Dems da berries.

October 17, 2009

Last weekend, in an effort to prepare Tiny House for the onset of autumn, Mr. Living Small and I unpacked the hacksaw and set to work pruning the summer growth that was threatening to engulf our mini-manse. Naturally, this effort left us with stacks of stalks and branches, all of which wouldn’t fit in the city-issue yard waste bin. (Not to mention, many of these arms were, in their severance, still lovely to look at.) I sat on our stoop, puzzling over several cut-off canes of heavenly bamboo, fresh with sprays of rust-red berries.

Then, smack!

Rewind seven days. Rewind to my science fair–themed birthday party. Rewind to my friend Sly’s gift, a three-foot, vintage glass beaker. I put 2 and 2 2gether:

Reminds me of spring ’09’s fleur de toilette:

Better than blossoms that’ll pout in three days, better than buying roses flown in from Texas. This foliage grows right outside my front door, and it lasts forever. Righteous, to quote my friend Jill.

What blooms in your ‘hood? What do you cut?