Plates on Walls = (Green) Granny Zone?

August 7, 2008

Here’s my confession: I have a soft spot for geriatric style. Big, costume jewelry brooches, diaphanous scarves tied in bows at my neck — you know the drill. So I gotta tell you, bar-none, I’m digging the plates-on-the-wall thing, like this:

Not only am I down with the vintage china (reuse, go!), I’m also a fan of the space-saving aspect: Truly, who says the owner of this little kitch can’t pull down one of those delicate saucers at teatime? Plus, the arrangement is so prim and yet so devil-may-care, it makes me want to go all Bloomsbury, all the time. But is it too Aunt Gladys? Is there a design principle that mandates at least one Sturgis commemorative plate per every ten dainty Belleek saucers? What’s your take?

15 Responses to “Plates on Walls = (Green) Granny Zone?”

  1. Rhonda said

    I love it, too. I love both the idea of using practical, useful items as decorative touches and the idea of making useful items beautiful. This display is an example using both principles,and I agree that the kind of planned haphazardness (if that is possible) of the arrangements keeps it fresh even though it’s such an old traditional touch.

  2. I like that, Rhonda: “planned haphazardness.” I think I go for that in stacks of books on my end tables, too. With these plates, I think that the overlaps are particularly lovely. Very organic.

  3. Bobbi said

    Love it! All that randomness is quite daring. I collect plates too. Really, what is the attraction? Anyway, keep us posted, pun intended, as the collage grows.

  4. Tea said

    I think it’s super cute as well. I don’t find it old fashioned, just very feminine (I suppose it depends on the pattern of the plates as well).

    I’ve been traveling/out of town and offline, so just noticed your question about the jam. I use berries, sugar (as little as I can), lemon juice and zest. That’s it.

  5. Bobbi: Unfortunately, this isn’t my collection! Just an image I ran across at Apartment Therapy, I believe. It is a sweet little cooking spot, though, isn’t it?

    I’m not sure why I’m drawn to plates, either. Maybe because I like to eat so much. :)

    Tea: Good way to think about it; it is a pretty femme thing to do, and these plates are particularly girly, I think. And thanks for the response to the jam question. I’ve been fiddling around a bit and have had success with a no-pectin raspberry/tayberry mix. Love it!

  6. EJ said

    Not for me – more clutter, more items to collect dust.

    Like the yellow/white kitchen, tho.

  7. You’re right about that, EJ. Definitely more dust. I don’t agree with the clutter aspect, however; how is this arrangement any different than a painting?

  8. EJ said

    I was thinking visual clutter. Of course it epands on the alternative painting (of what), blank wall, other decoration.

  9. Gotcha. I can see that this type of multi-part art could make for eye clutter rather than eye candy. Good point.

  10. Bonnie said

    Sorry, but I think it’s unpleasing to the eye.

  11. Maybe too much like a bulbous sea creature? I can see the ick-factor, but, for some reason, I’m loving it. Ah, aesthetics.

  12. Michelle said

    I like it, especially because with the teapot spout facing towards the left it sort of looks like the plates are taking on the shape of steam leaving that spout. To keep it fresh and organic-looking I would probably keep them bunched together towards the bottom and then spread them out a bit more as you get higher, again like steam dispersing.

  13. I never thought of that, Michelle. Great eye!

  14. Vanessa said

    It is adorable!! Love it!

  15. Yep — I love it, too. Thanks for dropping in, Vanessa. :)

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